You WANT a deeper, more aligned brand.

You crave a cohesive brand that’s true to your values, speaks to who you serve, and a way to package up your unique expertise so you can confidently show up as the go-to in your space.

Does This Sound Like YOU?

And, you tick one of two boxes: 

The Online Service Provider, Coach,
or Consultant

You're a business owner on a mission and you know that in order to make the difference you want, doing work you actually love… you need to get clear about who you serve and how to articulate the value of what you do.

But right now, your brand feels all over the place, you’re trying to be everything to everybody, and you know deep down it’s hurting your business.

You need a little boost and clear direction to finally take action and grow the business you’re dreaming of.

The Online Course Creator or Educator

You’re no newbie to the world of online content creation, you might have a group program, a digital course or digital product(s) under your belt... but there’s that niggling feeling.

You’ve got big dreams, and you know you’re not for everyone, nor do you want to be. But you want to get straight to the ears of your ‘people’, but you’re not sure how to get above the noise.

Is it your brand identity? Your website? Your offer? Your messaging? Or perhaps something BIGGER at play here?


Instead? It’s intentionally DESIGNING (or re-designing) the brand you want FIRST (so you start from a place of deep clarity).


(whether you’re starting from scratch or five years in) so that you don’t spend – or continue to spend – months and years running in the wrong direction only to end up with a brand and business you don’t actually love.

The TRUE secret to a clear, well-defined brand that establishes you as the go-to and attractS the right clients isn’t:

Diving headfirst into the fun, aesthetic elements (like logos, colours, fonts, and a website) without a lot of consideration;

Borrowing inspiration from your counterparts and creating content that doesn’t speak to WHO you serve; OR

Pivoting your business without first aligning it to your vision or where you want to GO.

First of all – your brand has two sides.

1. External: the way your audience perceives it.⁠
2. Internal: how you as a business, develop and define it.

To Help You Become the Sought-After Solution With Brand Positioning

So, WHY Brand Positioning?

Building a strong brand starts with clarity and a clear direction of where you want to go. It’s digging deep on the internal level, and really understanding why you started your business, and WHO you serve.  It's about defining your unique edge, your standout value that sets you apart. 

This clarity serves as your strategic anchor, guiding every decision, ensuring your voice, values, and offerings resonate clearly and consistently with your intended audience. It's the WAY to build a better foundation for your business.


Brand Positioning is the BEST way to stand out to the RIGHT clients, and how do you do that?

Dive deep into understanding your best-fit clients

Once you have those foundations in place, you will know *exactly* what makes you different and how to claim your unique advantage in a way that feels authentic and inspires your ideal audience to take ACTION.

Craft compelling messaging to captivate your audience

Identity where you want to position yourself in the market

Unearth your why and brand’s bigger purpose

The goal? To swap those feelings of fear that are keeping you stuck, frozen, and uncertain about how to stand out for a clearly defined brand that puts you in the driver's seat and shifts you into inspired action so you can confidently show up.

The vehicle? An all-encompassing brand positioning system with instantly-actionable strategies, and a clear roadmap to ensure your brand's resonance, clarity, and consistency.

The point? MORE FOCUS on what you really need to position yourself as the go-to expert known for your unique DIFFERENTIATOR. It's your ticket to meaningful connections, better marketing, more sales, long-term success.

What You’ll Learn in This Free Program: 

How to Build a Deeper, More Aligned Brand, Regardless of Whether You're Just Starting Out or You've Been in the Game for Five Years (or More!).


Note: The exact inclusions are subject to change based on what you need!


Your Perception

Examine every facet of your brand, and ruthlessly audit what is (and isn't) working to identify your brand's strengths and weaknesses and get a clear understanding of your current position.

Your Purpose

Define what the brand believes in, why your brand exists (beyond making money). Purpose serves as your north star, your values put your purpose into action.

Your People

Clarity on who you will talk to, understand the ideal customer's pain points, and the solution you're providing to the people who need your help and offerings.

Your Positioning

Time to think about your positioning in relation to your market, how you'll stand out. Who are your competitors, what will differentiate you from them.





Your Plan for 2024

We will toast and celebrate the action you have taken! You’ll also get a juicy bonus session on how create an action plan that aligns with your brand's goals, so you can move forward with confidence, and kickstart 2024 with a brand that sets you apart.




Lesson Drops Over 2 Weeks

4 short but thought-provoking lessons dropped over two weeks with powerful exercises and prompts to help you craft a deeper, more aligned brand [Value $699]

Crystal Clear Clarity 

On standing out as the go to in your space so you don’t spend months or years running in the wrong direction (this is the most important work you will ever do).

Private Community 

Access to a PRIVATE Community for the duration of the FREE Program [Value Priceless]


Accompanying Workbook

Step-by-step digital workbook with fun, actionable exercises to guide you through the process and pinpoint YOUR brand positioning  [Value $100]


This FREE Program

Total Value— $799 USD Currently FREE

This is the FIRST time we are running this and so we are GIFTING it to you for free to get feedback, it will be a paid product next time.


The Details

100% free as a gift to help you find clarity, and build a deeper, more aligned brand

Weekly lesson drops,  community + bonus planning session

Align (or realign) with your vision and a business you truly LOVE

For all experience levels (current, aspiring and advanced service-based online businesses)


Aspiring Online Business Owners

Starting your online business can often feel like you’re trying to solve a puzzle in the dark, right? It's frustrating, and you're not sure where to begin. 

And, you wish someone could walk you through the process, to provide clarity on your direction, help you figure out your brand’s unique position, and give you the push you need to bring to turn your vision into reality.

Current Online Experts, Coaches, Course Creators

Online Service Providers


Aspiring Online Business Owners

Current Online Experts, Coaches, Course Creators

Online Service Providers

You might be running a service-based online business, like 1:1 coaching, group program, courses, consulting... but you can’t help but feel like something is ‘off’.

You know your branding reflects an OLD version of you, and is no longer aligned with the incredible expert you are stepping into as your business evolves.

You're craving a fresh approach that draws in your next-level clients. You want a brand that perfectly aligns with YOUR unique vision, forges deep connections, and speaks volumes about your authority.


Aspiring Online Business Owners

Current Online Experts, Coaches, Course Creators

Online Service Providers

You started your business longing for more freedom and time, but it often feels like you’re constantly churning out content that doesn’t quite hit the mark.

Articulating your ‘why’ might be proving a bit of a challenge, which in turn makes it hard to draw in dream clients who value your expertise (and you know it's taking a toll on your sales and overall credibility).

The good news is that you’re likely a subject-matter expert with the necessary skills. What you need now is to re-align your brand by adopting a positioning system that sets you apart, and communicates your unique value.

It’s time to transform your brand inside out and perfect your superpower